"Måtte jo bare finne den berømte maurstien til deg. Blå er "utgående" og gul er "hjem igjen". Legg merke til vinkelen på kroppen og de lange bena. Det er for å unngå overoppheting. Ørkenmaur vandrer på måfå, på kryss og tvers, mange meter bort fra hjemmet sitt for å finne mat. Men når de skal hjem tar de alltid korteste vei. Med kompassceller i øyet og skritteller i hodet har de full kontroll på retning og distanse nemlig. Bedre enn mange pattedyr."
Og jammen fant jeg ikke cataglyphis på You Tube også, der han tasser omkring i ørkensanden i den brennende middagsheten. Og noe annet morsomt om maur, nedskrevet av Isidor av Sevilla i Etymologiae bok 12, 3:9 i det 7. århundre:
"The ant has its name (formica) because it carries bits (freat micas) of grain. It prepairs in summer the food it will need in the winter; at harvest time it picks wheat but not barley. If rain wets its grain it puts it out to dry. It is said that in Ethiopia there are ants shaped like dogs which dig up grain of gold with their feet; they guard this gold so no one can steal it."

"There happen’d a warm Dispute betwixt an Ant and a Fly. Why, where’s the Honour, or the Pleasure in the World,says the Fly, that I have not my Part in? Are not all Temples and Places open to me? Am I not the Taster to Gods and Princes in all their Sacrifices and Entertainments? Am I not serv’d in Gold and Silver? And is not my Meat and Drink still of the best? And all this, without either Money or Pains? I trample upon Crowns, and kiss what Ladies Lips I please. And what have you now to pretend to all this while? Why, says the Ant, you value your self upon the Access you have to the Altars of the Gods, the Cabinets of Princes, and to all publick Feasts and Collations: And what’s all this but the Access of the Intruder, not of a Guest; for People are so far from liking your Company, that they kill ye as fast as they can catch ye. You are a Plague to ‘em where-ever you come. Your very Breath has Maggots in’t, and for the Kiss you brag of, what is it but the Perfume of the last Dunghill you touch’d upon, once remov’d? For my Part, I live upon what’s my own, and work honestly in the Summer to maintain my self in the Winter; whereas the whole Course of your scandalous Life is only cheating or sharping, one half of the Year, and starving the other. THE MORAL. Here’s an Emblem of Industry, and Luxury, set forth at large; with the sober Advantages, and the scandalous Excesses of the one and of the other."
En litt enklere oversettelse her. Den andre tegningen er "Musca et formica" av ukjent kunstner fra Hieronymus Osius Æsoputgave fra 1574. Flere fabler her.
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